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Starts May 28 Starts May 29
10:00 テアトロ・デル・フオコ:空中パフォーマンス
Aerial Tissue Performance by Teatro del Fuoco
10:00 イベントスタート
10:25 高江洲 理恵:オペラコンサート
Opera Concert by Rie Takaesu
10:20 ACミランサッカースクール:サッカーパフォーマンス
AC Milan Soccer School Demo
10:45 バジリカータ州のチーズ職人:モッツァレッラ作りのパフォーマンス
Food Crafting Performance by Basilicata Region
11:00 バリラジャパンxアンドレア・トランケーロ:料理パフォーマンス
Barilla Cooking Show feat. Master Chef Andrea Tranchero
11:15 バリラジャパンxアンドレア・トランケーロ:料理パフォーマンス
Barilla Cooking Show
11:35 バジリカータ州のチーズ職人:モッツァレッラ作りのパフォーマンス
Food Crafting Performance  by Basilicata Region
11:45 メイドインイタリー:ブランドプレゼンテーション
Made in Italy: brand presentation
12:00 Aerial Tissue Performance by Teatro del Fuoco
12:05 柴田泰孝:ミュージカル
Musical by Yasutaka Shibata
12:20 「ソル・レオーネビオ カップ」優勝シェフ:古代小麦パスタを使用したクッキングショー
Ancient Grain Cooking Show by Solleone

Bio Cup Champion Chef Ohno
12:20 マリオ・フリットリ x BIOBALANCE:料理パフォーマンス
Mario I Sentieri for BIOBALANCE Cooking Show
12:45 オペラヴェーラ:オペラコンサート
Opera concert by OperaVera
12:55 メイドインイタリーmama girlトークショー:FIAT
Made in Italy: mama girl talkshow
presented by FIAT
13:05 アリタリア新サービス「MADE OF ITALY」発表会
13:15 柴田泰孝:ミュージカル
Musical by Yasutaka Shibata
13:15 Visit Italyフォトコンテスト:表彰式
Visit Italy Photo Contest
13:35 「ソル・レオーネビオ カップ」優勝シェフ:古代小麦パスタを使用したクッキングショー
Ancient Grain Cooking Show by Solleone Bio Cup Champion Chef Ohno
13:45 マリオ・フリットリ x BIOBALANCE:料理パフォーマンス
Mario I Sentieri for BIOBALANCE Cooking Show
14:05 世界遺産:ドロミーティ
Unesco World Heritage: Dolomiti
14:25 メイドインイタリー:ブランドプレゼンテーション
Made in Italy: brand presentation
14:45 メイドインイタリー:ブランドプレゼンテーション
Made in Italy: brand presentation
15:00 メイドインイタリー:ブランドプレゼンテーション
Made in Italy: brand presentation
15:15 ミス・イタリア2014とミス・ユニバース・ジャパン2016:トークショー
Beauty Talk: Miss Italia 2014 Clarissa Marchese and Miss Universe Japan 2016 Sari Nakazawa
14:50 バリラジャパンxアンドレア・トランケーロ:料理パフォーマンス
Barilla Cooking Show feat. Master Chef Andrea Tranchero
 15:40 バリラジャパンxアンドレア・トランケーロ:料理パフォーマンス
Barilla Cooking Show feat. Master Chef Andrea Tranchero
15:35 Biwa-Niwa:ダンスx琵琶パフォーマンス
Biwa-Niwa Dance and Music duo Performance
 16:05 柴田泰孝:ミュージカル
Musical by Yasutaka Shibata
16:00 I LOVE CINEMA六本木発表:Alfa Romeo
I LOVE CINEMA Roppongi Premier presented by Alfa Romeo
 16:15 メイドインイタリー:ブランドプレゼンテーション
Made in Italy: brand presentation
  16:30 アントネッラ・ロンディノッネと村田孝高:オペラコンサート
Soprano Antonella Rondinone and Bariton Yoshitaka Murata Opera Concert
 16:30 Hair Styling Live Art Performance presented by Turismo Torino  16:55 マリアンヌ・ミラージュ:コンサート
Marianne Mirage in concert
 16:55 テアトロ・デル・フオコ:空中パフォーマンス
Unesco World Heritage: Sicily Region presenting Teatro del Fuoco
 17.25 テアトロ・デル・フオコ:空中パフォーマンス
Aerial Tissue Performance by Teatro del Fuoco
 17:35 アントネッラ・ロンディノッネと村田孝高:オペラコンサート
Soprano Antonella Rondinone and Bariton Yoshitaka Murata Opera Concert
 17.45 ジョヴァッニ・カッカモ:コンサート
Giovanni Caccamo in concert
 17:55 バジリカータ州:アペリティーヴォ
Aperitivo in Piazza by Basilicata Region
  18:30 Film and Fly to Italy:ムービーコンテスト表彰式
Film and Fly to Italy contest award ceremony
 18:10 ざ・五人囃子:太鼓パフォーマンス
Taiko performance by Goninbayashi
 18:50 カリスマ美容師フランコ・クルレット x トリノ市観光局:ヘアスタイルパフォーマンス
Torino City and the Art of Franco Curletto
 19:15  Made in Italy: brand presentation   19:15 トリノ市:アペリティーヴォ
Aperitivo in Piazza by the City of Torino
 19:30  Zucchero & Hotei in concert  19:40  Masafumi Akikawa closing concert



ICCJ is bringing you an amazing 2-day program of shows and performances featuring the best of Italian and Japanese artists. They will inspire you and amuse you.
Special ConcertsBeautyMusicSport・FoodPerformancesMCs

ICCJ vi offre due giorni straordinari di spettacoli e performance con i migliori artisti italiani e giapponesi.
Special ConcertsBeautyMusicSport・FoodPerformancesMCs

Special Concerts







Hotei Official 1 lessthan1mb

May 28

Zucchero & Hotei in concert

2人の国際的なアーティストによるデュオ・パフォーマンス!ZUCCHERO(アルバムは全世界で5千万枚のセールスを記録、イタリアを代表するアーティスト)とHOTEI(日本を代表するギタリスト、映画『KILL BILL』のテーマを作曲)

A special collaboration with Zucchero, Italian star with over 50 million albums sold, and Hotei, Japanese guitarist who composed the theme song of Kill Bill.

Speciale collaborazione tra due grandi artisti internazionali! Zucchero, icona della musica italiana con oltre 50 milioni di dischi venduti in tutto il mondo, e Hotei, chitarrista giapponese autore della theme song del celebre film Kill Bill.

  May 29

Akikawa Masafumi in concert 

1967年愛媛県西条市生まれ。国立音楽大学・同大学院を終了後、4年間イタリアのパルマへ留学 2006年、第57回NHK紅白歌合戦に初出場。翌年「千の風になって」が130万枚もの売り上げとなり、年間オリコンチャート1位を獲得。

Born in Saijo, Ehime prefecture, in 1967. He spent 4 years in Parma after graduating from the Kunitachi College of Music. In 2006, he joined the 57th NHK Kohaku Music Festival. His 2007 hit “Sen no kaze ni natte” sold over 1 million copies, reaching number one on the Oricon Singles Chart.

Nato a Saijo, Ehime, nel 1967, Akikawa Masafumi si diploma al Conservatorio di Kunitachi prima di recarsi in Italia per 4 anni per studio. Nel 2006 partecipa per la prima volta al 57° festival  Kohaku organizzato dalla NHK. La sua hit del 2007 “Sen no kaze ni natte” vende oltre un milione di copie, raggiungendo il primo posto nella famosa classifica Oricon.

 web_giovannicaccamo_FF01 May 29

Giovanni Caccamo in concert 


Winner of newcomer’s section of the Sanremo Music Festival 2015, singer-songwriter Giovanni Caccamo is the new star of Italian pop music with strong affiliations with Franco Battiato with whom he toured Italy.

Vincitore del Festival della Canzone di Sanremo 2015 nella sezione Nuove Proposte, il cantautore Giovanni Caccamo è la nuova icona della musica pop italiana. E’ fortemente legato a Franco Battiato, per cui ha aperto tour italiani.

 1P8B0195_credits_OddProduzioni May 29

Marianne Mirage in concert


Sensual songstress Marianne Mirage is the new artist of epic label Sugar Music along with Andrea Bocelli, Negroamaro, Elisa Toffoli.

La sensuale cantante Marianne Mirage è la nuova artista della famosa etichetta Sugar Music, che annovera nomi quali Andrea Bocelli, Negramaro e Elisa Toffoli.

Nakazawa SariIMG_1807 OK May 28-29

Miss Italia 2014 Clarissa Marchese
Miss Universe Japan 2016 Sari Nakazawa


The beauty queens of Italy and Japan will delight the scene of “Italia, amore mio!”

Le regine di bellezza italiana e giapponese delizieranno le due giornate di “Italia, amore mio!”

May 28-29

Franco Curletto: hair styling live art performance presented by Turismo Torino

イタリアの有名なカリスマ美容師フランコ・クルレットによるアートパフォーマンス。アート、文化、映画、音楽などからインスパイアされたヘアスタ イルのマスターです。

For “Italia, amore mio!” Franco Curletto will mix the world of beauty, art and food into a performance that has previously been done with artist Vanessa Beecroft.

Per “Italia, amore mio!” Franco Curletto si esibirà in una performance che unisce il mondo del beauty, dell’arte e del food.
May 29

Davide Pizzotti: Fashion Shooting


During Italia, amore mio! Davide Pizzotti will bring high fashion to the piazza, coordinating the style of a fashion shooting along the 2 days.

Per Italia, amore mio! porterà l’high fashion in piazza coordinando lo stile di un fashion shooting nel corso delle 2 giornate.

 RondinoneMurataYellow.png May 28

Soprano Antonella Rondinone and bariton Yoshitaka Murata


Opera concert featuring soprano Rondinone (over 30 opera roles including duets with Jose Carreras and collaborations with directors F. Zeffirelli and L. Kemp) and Nikikai Opera Foundation Member baritone Murata who performed soloist in Teatro Rossini and Basilica di San Paolo in Italy.

Concerto d’opera della soprano Rondinone (una carriera che vanta oltre 30 ruoli d’opera, inclusi duetti con Jose Carreras e collaborazioni con i direttori F. Zefirelli e L. Kemp) e dal baritono Murata, membro della Nikikai Opera Foundation, che ha tenuto performance da solista in Italia presso il Teatro Rossini e la Basilica di San Paolo.

 operavera5-29 May 29

Opera Duo Concert by OperaVera

西田真以(ソプラノ歌手、第1回トスティ歌曲国際コンクールアジア予選ソーニョ賞部門第1位受賞)とパオロ アンドレア・ディピエトロ(バス歌手、イタリアの20以上の主要歌劇場で『さまよえるオランダ人』のダラント役を歌い好評を博す)によるオペラパフォーマンス。

Featuring OperaVera soprano Mai Nishida (1st prize winner of F. P. Tosti competition) and bass Paolo A. Di Pietro (in 2013 toured Italy performing Daland from “The Flying Dutchman)

Concerto della soprano Mai Nishida (vincitrice del Primo Premio del concorso F.P. Tosti) e il basso Paolo A. Di Pietro (nel 2013 ha fatto un tour in Italia interpretando Daland de “L’Olandese Volante”), membri dell’associazione OperaVera

 Rie Takaesu May 28

Opera Concert by Rie Takaesu

ソプラノ歌手高江洲 理恵はオペラのソリストとして東京、ミラノで活躍。ブルクハルト国際音楽コンクール第2位受賞。

Soprano Rie Takaesu has been performing as a soloist in opera both in Milan and Tokyo. Classified 2nd in the “Burckhardt International Music Contest“.

La soprano Rie Takaesu ha cantato come solista d’opera sia a Milano che a Tokyo. Classificata seconda al “Burckhardt International Music Contest”.

 yasutaka shibata foto May 28

Musical Performance by Yasutaka Shibata


Yasutaka Shibata studied musicianship in Milan from 2006 to 2013. With his flexible and powerful voice, he performs in various locations and stars for movies and commercials in Japan.

Yasutaka Shibata ha studiato musica a Milano dal 2006 al 2013. Celebrato per la flessibilità e la forza della sua voce, si esibisce in Giappone con diversi concerti, apparizioni in film e pubblicità.

 Goninbayashi May 28

Taiko Drum Performance by the Goninbayashi


The Goninbayashi create a music of their own blending classics and inherited sounds from the past with new arrangements.

I Goninbayashi hanno creato uno stile tutto loro, combinando suoni classici e tradizionali e nuovi arrangiamenti.

 Moreno bussoletti May 28-29

Moreno Bussoletti


The charismatic accordion player will join the crowds to play happy notes among the public.

Il carismatico fisarmonicista allieterà il pubblico nel corso delle due giornate direttamente in piazza.

 Silvestrin Kubota May 29

Alessio Silvestrin and Aiko Kubota: BIWA-NIWA Dance and Music Duo Performance

ダンサー、振付師、そして作曲家で活躍されてるシルヴェストリン(モーリス・ベジャール・バレエ団、リヨン国立オペラバレエ団、フランクフルト・バレエ団など)と琵琶奏者、久保田晶子(日本音楽集団、和楽団 煌、谷中琵琶Style、アンサンブル室町など)によるデュオ・パフォーマンス。

Duo performance by dancer, choreographer and composer Silvestrin (Béjart Ballet Lausanne, Ballet de l’Opéra National de Lyon, Frankfurt Ballet with commissions by by New National Theater and Venice Biennale Dance among others) and biwa player Kubota (Pro Musica Nipponia, Wagakudan Koh, Yanaka Biwa Style and Ensemble Muromachi).

Duetto del ballerino, coreografo e compositore Silvestrin (Béjart Ballet Lausanne, Ballet de l’Opéra National de Lyon, Frankfurt Ballet con commissioni dal New National Theater e la Biennale Danza di Venezia) e la suonatrice di biwa Kubota (Pro Musica Nipponia, Wagakudan Koh, Yanaka Biwa Style e Ensemble Muromachi)

 Manuel BelleriLuca Monese May 29

AC Milan Soccer School Demo


Soccer Demo by former Serie A Player (Udinese and Lazio) and AC Milan Academy Member Manuel Belleri and former serie A coach Luca Monese.

Dimostrazione calcistica con Manuel Belleri, ex-giocatore di serie A (Udinese e Lazio) e membro della AC Milan Academy, e l’ex-allenatore di serie A Luca Monese.

profilobellissimofrancesco May 28-29

Francesco Bellissimo


From Rome, Italy. As a cooking expert, he has appeared in many TV programmes, cooking shows, seminars, and food/cooking related events in Japan. Going beyond cooking, he now works as a cultural ambassador between Italy and Japan.

Originario di Roma, partecipa attivamente a molti programmi TV, cooking show, seminari ed eventi di food e sulla ristorazione in Giappone. E’ uno dei nomi più celebri in Giappone che fungono da mediatore e tra la cultura italiana e quella giapponese.

 Andrea Tranchero May 28-29

Barilla Cooking ShowMaster Chef Andrea Tranchero


Pasta Cooking Show featuring Master Chef Andrea Tranchero presented by Barilla Japan. Chef Tranchero has worked in 3 continents and has been selected to cook for the President of Italian Republic and fashion designer G. Armani among others.

Barilla Japan presenta una dimostrazione di cucina a cura del Master Chef Andrea Tranchero. Tranchero ha lavorato in tre continenti, cucinando anche per il Presidente della Repubblica Italiana e lo stilista Giorgio Armani.

  May 28-29

Cooking Show by Regione Basilicata


Making fresh Mozzarella chees featuring a Casaro artisan from Basilicata Region.

La Regione Basilicata porterà per la prima volta a Tokyo l’arte del Casaro, con una dimostrazione di come si crea la mozzarella.

 frittoli May 28-29

Mario I Sentieri  for BIOBALANCE cooking show


Mario Frittoli through his cuisine will present recipes enhancing the deliciousness of special organic ingredients.

Attraverso la sua eclettica cucina, Mario Frittoli presenterà delle ricette che esaltano tutta la bontà di ingredienti biologici.

 AperitivoBanner May 29

Aperitivo in Piazza by the City of Torino


Drinking and mingling the Italian way with an Aperitivo right in the Arena. Featuring the best of food and wine from the Northern City of Torino.

Drink e networking all’italiana con un tipico Aperitivo italiano presso l’Arena, degustando le migliori specialità ed il miglior vino della città di Torino.

 AperitivoBanner May 28

Aperitivo in Piazza by the Southern Regions of Basilicata and Sicilia


Drinking and mingling the Italian way with an Aperitivo right in the Arena. Featuring the best of food and wine from the Southern Regions of Basilicata and Sicilia.

Drink e networking all’italiana con un tipico Aperitivo italiano presso l’Arena, degustando le migliori specialità ed il miglior vino delle Regioni Basilicata e Sicilia.

phc2015b May 29

Visit Italy Photo Contest Award – ENIT Photo Contest Award Ceremony

イタリア政府観光局ENITの『VISIT ITALYフォトコンテスト』2015年授賞式。イタリアを訪問した日本人(日本在住)の方が撮ったイタリアの美しい風景のフォトコンテスト。

2015 edition of “VISIT ITALY PHOTO CONTEST”. Italian regional beauty seen through images of Japanese tourists.


Cerimonia di premiazione del “Visit Italy Photo Contest” 2015. Le bellezze regionali italiane viste attraverso le immagini di turisti giapponesi.

Solleone Cup Ono May 28-29


「ソル・レオーネビオ カップ」優勝シェフによる

 mg_4290 May 28-29

Aerial Tissue Performance by Teatro del Fuoco


Aerial tissue performance by Teatro del Fuoco (granted product of cultural tourism and innovative marketing by the President of the Italian Republic and quoted in Forbes magazine as one of the 12 coolest festivals world wide).

Spettacolo di tessuti aerei a cura del Teatro del Fuoco (riconosciuto come prodotto di turismo culturale e marketing innovativo dal Presidente della Repubblica Italiana e citato in Forbes Magazine come uno dei 12 migliori festival del mondo).

 Ciel-cropped May 29

Tarantella Dance Performance

CIEL 早稲田大学バレエサークル(2007年設立)。


CIEL Waseda University Ballet Club, founded in 2007.

Their performances vary from classical ballet to Jazz. Variations of Tarantella will be performed especially for this occasion.

Club di Danza CIEL dell’Università Waseda. Le loro performance spaziano dal balletto classico al jazz. Per quest’occasione verrà rappresentata una variazione della Tarantella.

 dsc01120 May 29

“Sbandieratori” – Flag Waving Dance Performance

武蔵野大学フラグバトン部による魅力的な「スバンディエラトーリ」 パフォーマンス。

A captivating performance by the Flag Baton Club Musashino University.

Una colorata performance del Flag Baton Club dell’Università di Musashino.

ロビン アップ Robin

モデル/俳優。数々のファッション雑誌、ファッションショーそしてCMで活躍する。2015年には渋谷の顔109men’sの夏広告塔に選ばれる。 また、バラエティーの出演も多く年末に放送された芸能人によるスポーツ男子頂上決戦では最高総合3位にもなった。

TV, magazine and fashion personality. In 2015 he is chosen as Shibuya 109men’s summer billboard face and selected to be on the podium of the sportsmen entertainers of the year.

Volto noto nel mondo della moda, TV e magazine, viene scelto nel 2015 come uomo immagine per il department Shibuya 109 men’s e nominato come personalità TV sportiva dell’anno.

pc Pietro Cristo


Former Serie A Napoli Team player. Referees’ Association of Tokyo board Member. Popular talent with many cameos in dramas, videos, CM, soccer and cuisine programs.

Ex giocatore del Napoli, fa parte dell’Associazione Arbitri di Tokyo. Personalità conosciuta in Giappone grazie alle numerose apparizioni in telefilm, video, pubblicità, programmi di calcio e di cucina.